This page has been voted off the Internet.

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Sorry, but the page you are looking for has exploded into millions of tiny pieces
Sadly, the page you requested passed away early last Saturday morning
The page you are looking for can't be bothered coming out right now
The page you are looking is away washing it's hair
The page you requested is currently on the toilet-- This means that you messed up again. Now try and find the CORRECT address.
This means that you messed up again. Now try and find the CORRECT address.
This page has been voted off the Internet.
This page was granted a pardon by the last President and was free to go
Send us a bag of small unmarked bills or this URL *stays* missing
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You lost my URL. Prepare to die
Nothing to see here. Move along, buddy.
Great, now you've gone and done it. You've broken the Internet.
This page is not compatible with any browsers.
We are terribly sorry, but the page you requested was stored in the World Trade Centre.
****FATAL ERROR****  You are advised to shut down your computer and leave it off for at least one hour.
Cross your fingers, close your eyes, and slowly press F5...
That was the weakest link, goodbye.
Sorry, the page you requested is a fish
'The File you requested was not found on this server'...Old Apache saying
Over here! -------->
There were too many, so I deleted 'em all
DANGER - 10,000 Ohms." Funny, I thought resistance was futile..
"Oh bother," said the Borg, "We have assimilated Pooh."
In the beginning there was darkness, and the darkness was without form, and void. And God said "let there be light", and there was a general protection fault.
Who is Colonel Error and how did he get into my computer?